The Daggerford Inquisition

No one expects the Daggerford Inquisition, being the adventures and mishaps of a motley crew of the Daggerford Militia.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

Now, as to the game on June 13.

The dwarfs informed us that there were two large cisterns somewhere higher up in the city. One was fed by rainwater and the other was fed by an underground stream. They think that the contaminated water is coming from the stream fed cistern. They know the levers in the pillar control the flow but they don't know exactly how they work. The one who had been doing that research was the dwarf cleric we found dead. But at least his research notes and the info he had been working from were up in his quarters.
Magnus had already gone up to the temple of Moradin to pray. The rest of us gave him some private time and then joined him in the priest's quarters so we could go over the water feed notes. We eventually figure out that manipulating the levers in the wrong way could very well mix the two cisterns and actually increase the amount of poison entering the river. We have Theeg go and turn the levers that will totally close off the intermix first and then shut off the lever to the one cistern that we think is contaminated and still running. The green water soon stops coming out of the spigots.

Eren and Kyra somehow discovered a secret door at the back of the temple. (Okay, so Eren got bored and was swinging from a torch sconce and Kyra spotted the secret door opening and closing. ;-) ) Since we're in the dwarf's territory we thought it best to inform them. Kronin came to check it out. It seemed like Kronin was looking for something and we soon found out he had thought King Delvin's crown should be here. Since there was a shaft to one side of the room, leading down, we went exploring. Kronin and one of his clerics, Kaine, joined our exploration. (Perhaps the elf rogue made them nervous?)

We found ourselves in a secret room. In the next room we spotted a dwarf statue. Another look makes us realize it is a golem because there is a kir-lanen's head stuck under its foot. The rest of the not long dead kir-lanen can just barely be spotted beyond the bulk of the golem. Eren jokingly says "We come in peace". Turns out that "peace" is the deactivation word for the golem. Go halfling.
As we spread out into the room, another secret door opens to one side and several kir-lanen begin to attack. Eren gets the jump on them and casts a color spray right in their faces. Another kir-lanen attacks Kronin and eventually enfeebles him with its spell ability. A third kir-lanen makes directly for Gareth. Milo doesn't like the big ugly beating on his friend the cleric and smashes the kir-lanen to bits with a rapid strike full attack. The other two kir-lanen go down fairly quickly as well. Gareth casts bull strength on Kronin because he won't pull back despite the enfeeblement. He really wants to find that crown it seems. On the other side of this second secret door we find a shaft going down. Kyra jams the secret door shut, hopefully keeping more kir-lanen from sneaking up behind us.

Beyond the golem room, we find a room with three doors. Milo smells the green slime smell behind the right hand door. We decide to leave that door for last.
The central door leads to what we think was a robing or dressing room for the king. Mainly because there is a crown on one shelf that is shining with light. Kronin says that is Delvins crown. Yee ha! We find other ceremonial looking armor and a cloak as well.
The room to the left looks like a treasury. Big stone chests against three walls. Lots of riches in the chests. Kyra finds a false bottom in one chest and a lever beneath that. The lever is marked with an old dwarf symbol that roughly translates to "Vault". Kyra finds no traps so Gareth reaches in and turns the lever. And then the room explodes!
As one wall of the room just seems to disappear, a fireball hits us for a good deal of damage. Kronin and Kaine are knocked unconscious. Gareth quickly heals them and then spreads healing around to the rest of us. The room that has been revealed beyond the disappeared wall is full of warm light and has a pillar at the center. A clear crystal shard with another red crystal embedded in it floats several inches above the pedestal. All three walls of this hidden room are covered with ancient dwarven writing. Since we are all hurt to one degree or more, we decide to take what we have found back up to the dwarf command area and rest and recover. Since we turned off the flow of contaminated water (as far as we know) we think the room that smelled of green slime and water can wait another day.


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